Thursday, July 14, 2011

Guru Pournami at the Isha Yoga Center

The auspicious occasion of Guru Pournami will be celebrated at the Isha Yoga Center on July 14th. The day of Guru Pournami is traditionally the time when seekers offer the Guru their gratitude and receive his blessings.
Sadhguru will offer a special Darshan on this day between 6:20PM* to 6:40PM India time. You can make yourself receptive to the Presence and Grace by sitting in silence during this time wherever you may be. Gurupaduka stotram can be chanted before and after this twenty-minute interval. This tremendous opportunity is available, and can be shared, to everyone.
*6:20PM India = 3:50PM Lebanon/Uganda, 1:50PM London, 8:50AM New York, 5:50AM Los Angeles, 10:50PM Sydney, 8:50PM Singapore, Convert Your Time

Isha Volunteers

Source: Mail from Isha Foundation